
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Annual Hunsberger Lake Trip

July 4th week brought about our annual trip to the lake with all the Hunsbergers.  We only got to spend a few days there this year because of some very important doctors appointments, but we lived it up as best we could.  Fun was had by all, as usual.

Abigail and Olivia were happy to be together again.

They were goofing off in no time!
 We spent one morning enjoying the pool.  Lottie had fun getting to know her cousins and really liked the baby pool.

Abigail was excited to match Lottie in her stripes.

Lottie's favorite thing to do at the pool? Splash!

Luke's favorite thing to do at the pool? Splash other people!

 The next morning was spent out on the boat.  Lottie did great on the boat and didn't even fuss about the uncomfortable life jacket.

 Tubing was on the agenda and the big girls were old pros at it.

 We couldn't figure out why Lottie started fussing and crying when the others started tubing.  We quickly realized it was because she wanted a turn too!  She got right on with Abigail and Daddy and LOVED her first ride!

Check out the grin and the wave!

Not to be outdone by his sisters, Luke took his first spin too!
Lottie loved tubing so much that she screamed when we made her get off so others could have a turn. The only time she would stop is when we would put her back on the tube!  I ended up having to take her inside just so everyone else could enjoy their turn.

We celebrated the 4th and all the summer birthdays while we were there.  I'll spare you the embarrassing pictures of the family patriotic parade!  It rained more than usual, but that just gave us more time to play together inside.
Being silly with Livvie.

Loving on Aunt Sis
 One other lake trip tradition is family picture night.  Admittedly, this is probably the only time of the week when everyone is dressed at the same time and not in bathing suits or pajamas!
My sweet Abigail

Luke is such a mess at this age!

See you next year Lake Oconee!

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